Minimum Order: 100 units

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Sammeli Plastic Store
Sammeli Plastic Store
Product Highlights
Storage Capacity2,3Kg
  • Crafted from tough non-woven fabric, these bags are built to withstand multiple uses, making them a long-lasting shopping companion.
  • With ample storage capacity, these bags are perfect for grocery shopping, carrying essentials.
  • Choose from a variety of stylish and colorful designs to match your personal taste and shopping preferences.
  • These bags are easily foldable, making them convenient to carry.
About the Seller
Sammeli Plastic Store, established in 2077 and nestled in Pokhara-27, is your trusted wholesale supplier of high-quality plastic products. We are committed to providing a wide range of plastic goods at competitive wholesale rates. Our extensive inventory includes a variety of practical and durable plastic items for both businesses and individuals. With a focus on affordability and reliability, Sammeli Plastic Store has become the go-to destination for all your plastic product needs. Join our growing list of satisfied customers and experience the convenience and affordability of shopping with us.
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