Red Panda Small

Panda Toy
Minimum Order: 50 units

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Satyanam Gandaki Gudiya Udyog
Satyanam Gandaki Gudiya Udyog
Product Highlights
MaterialFur/ Fiber
  • Stuffed toy Panda made from soft fabrics like plush or fur.
  • Whether for birthdays, special occasions, or simply as a token of affection, the teddy bear panda stands as a versatile and universally appreciated gift.
  • Symbolizes comfort, companionship, and childhood play.
  • Available in various sizes, colors, and designs, appealing to children and collectors.
About the Seller
We manufacture dolls in various types and design such as teddy, dog, tiger,horse etc.The company takes pride in crafting customized dolls according to customer designs, preferences, and orders. With a commitment to quality craftsmanship, Satyanam Gandaki Gudiya Udyog provides unique and personalized fabric dolls, adding a touch of creativity and individuality to each creation. our dedication to meeting customer demands makes them a distinctive player in the handmade doll industry.
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